Friday, October 29, 2010

These struggles are only going to bring us closer

The date has been set: Friday, October 29, 2010.
The day our Hero is set to deploy.
I was hoping for Halloween but I will take this date over Friday the 22 which is when it was supposed to be. Halloween week has been quite busy. I started my middle school practicum but thats for another blog post :) lets just say I LOVE IT!
We came down to the Lehi area in the later part of the week to spend some time with our family before Brandon left. It's been crazy but we feel so blessed to have the family we have. Friday morning Todd Brandon and I made our way to the airport at around 5:45 am. We got Brandon's boarding passes and bags all checked in. Then made our way to security. I felt a little silly to be sharing such a private moment with everyone else in the airport but what other choice did we have? I didn't want to say goodbye at home, I wanted to spend every moment I could with him. After lots of tears and lots of hugging and kisses we watched Brandon make his way through the airport security. Watching him walk away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. All I wanted to do was run up, wrap my arms around him and not let him go. But this is all part of our life. God has set a plan for us. This is just a tiny portion of that plan. My new motto: "Everything will be okay. It has to be." I won't let it be any other way! He made it safe and sound to Dallas and from there he made it safe and sound to Columbus, Georgia. From there he hopped in a cab with some other guys and carpooled to Fort Benning, Georgia. We aren't positive how much time he will spend in Georgia but from there he will be heading to the middle east. Once I find out more information I will post it. 
Don't forget RED FRIDAYS, until the last soldier comes home. 

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